17 May 2013

These are some good interviews that I recently enjoyed

Catchy title, me.

GUYS. INTERNET. Over the past couple of days I have listened to podcasts for the majority of my days and oh boy there have been some good ones and if you think you enjoy the same things that I enjoy then I recommend the following to your earholes. Ready???

Terry Gross interviews Matthew Weiner Mad Men has been quite good this season wouldn't you say.

Terry Gross interviews Sarah Polley ahhhhh I cannot wait until this film comes out Sarah Polley is so excellent.

Terry Gross interviews Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach and this film too! There's a bit in this interview where Greta gets emotional about her Greenberg character and it is very nice.

Oh Greta.
Lily Tomlin on Bullseye. She is greaaaat. Also there is added bonus interview with an astrophysicist afterwards, because wooooo spaaaace.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus & Armando Iannucci on Bullseye! Veep is almost definitely the best show on TV right now you bunch of idiots. #GoT

Noah Baumbach on WTF erg I cannot believe I am even recommending an episode of WTF but Maron does manage to shut his trap long enough for Baumbach to speak a bit so there you go.

In summation, Terry Gross is the greatest.