31 December 2011

2011 TV: The Worst!

The things that I watched that I did not love as much as everyone (humans, internet) said I would:

Game of Thrones: At first I was like ohhhh good, there is not as much dragon wizards as I expected, and then it was SO BORING I wanted more dragon wizards. And then there were dragons, and it was still boring! Why do people like this so much? Oh there was one good death I didn't see coming, that was alright, you know the one. But mostly, ugh, no thankyou.

Luther: Oh BBC stop making these things. I do not even know how I feel about Stringer Bell anymore after watching this. Look what you have done.

Downton Abbey: Ughhhh these too, whatever channel made this. Cut it out.

Big Love: I watched all five seasons of this?? The extreme religion and cults is pretty interesting to me but I'd rather have watched a documentary about that instead of seeing so much naked Bill Paxton and annoying Chloe Sevigny.

New Girl: Haha okay nobody said this would be good. And they were right.

Bonus Round: Cake Boss. Ha! I only tried this so I would know what Dave Shumka was always talking about. This is seriously the worst, I do not understand how it has so many seasons? NOTHING HAPPENS AND EVERYONE IS THE PITS. Hang it up, Cake Boss.

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