8 June 2012


HI INTERNET. Last night I saw a friend who I consider a reasonably good friend, someone I see fairly often and enjoy the company of, and he asked me two questions that took me by surprise as it proved either he has not listened to a thing I have said in the last 2 years or I just don't say anything about myself ever. Maybe it is both? His excuse was YOU NEVER COME OUT which is possibly part truth but also maybe I don't want to see your band play every week, hey. Waah waah waah. So anyway here are 5 really boring things that people should know so they don't make me cry when we have a casual chit chat next time. (I didn't actually cry but I did feel odd for the whole night.)

1. My studying finished last year! I am finished! It was only one year! It was good, thanks.
2. I work for an online store as in house graphic designer which involves a lot of product photography and really fun styling of stationery related setups and making the enewsletters and promotional guff and website graphics and all of that and it is mostly great and I have been here nearly TWO YEARS.
3. Not interested in your cat or dog, okay.
4. Even less interested in participating in karaoke so don't nag at me about it, it'll make me super angry.
5. But I like lots of things! Probably the same stuff you do! Lets talk about that!

Baby Wombats are a good start for conversations.

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