7 January 2013

MY BEST OF 2012: Music

I cannot compile a list of favourite albums at all hey, what is that about? Nothing blew me away. Was this year quiet or have I forgotten how to get into something? Who knows but here is a random assortment of things I enjoyed.

Oh remember when you first heard and saw Azealia Banks and how fun 212 was? Good times! Well this just in, it is still really fun. I would say this can stay a favourite of 2012 but the rest of her didn't stick that well with me. Well 1991 was okay but then Fantasea was annoying. Also internet fights come on now. Anyways. It is all mostly this video. Still excellent.

Along these same lines (HOW GOOD IS THAT SINGLE AND VIDEO AND OMG LOVE HER but then the rest of the stuff I am not as psyched about) can go Losing You by Solange. Although the rest of her EP is better than the rest of Banks'. And she is farrrrr more likeable. But I'll probably just keep Losing You on a playlist and forget the rest eventually, hey, no point hiding the truths here, internet. Watch this video again for the hundredth time though, you won't regret it.

The Frowning Clouds are some youngins from Geelong who supported Black Lips earlier this year and they were/are GREAT and also they're on this great Nuggets Cover Album which is a freaking delight, and turns out they even have an album out from a few years ago who knew? Why don't I own this already?
Please note how excellently 60s this record cover is in every way
Actual albums/EPs from 2012 that I enjoyed at least 60% and maybe up to 90% but none 100%

  • Cat Power - Sun
  • Boomgates - Double Natural
  • Deep Sea Arcade - Outlands
  • Kishi Bashi - 151a
  • Grizzly Bear - Shields
  • Courtney Barnett - I've got a friend called Emily Ferris
  • Howard Kremer - Have A Summah

Oh okay turns out there were quite a few albums released this year I liked. There you go, that was my top picks, good work, music! Oh the Paul Kelly one I know is good too but I haven't given it the solid time that it deserves. Also I should probably listen to the Tim Rogers one (I forgot about it) and also Tame Impala (apparently) but I have not. "Marry me!" - Maeby Funke. Sidenote: LastFM tells me I mostly listened to Jay Z & Kanye, followed by Arcade Fire and Those Darlins.. which is no surprise to me, whats it to you?

PS Meanwhile, just quietly, Best Coast were disappointing on two levels: I saw them live and it was not great, and then the second album too was not great. Booo! Get better again soon, Best Coast! I still love the first album, lets pretend the second one didn't happen.


  1. Great list! I should listen to that new Grizzly Bear one. Yeah, the Solange EP is sweet. I like a lot of the songs on it. Aww, Best Coast. I was very resistant to them but heard some song the other day and it was all about summah and moving to the beach, so I might give them a break.

    Haha, I hope Howie manages to Have A Summah II this year. The song about negative ions sounds like a winner!

    1. Aw man, Best Coast are all about having a summah! If I ever get my playlist together (Perhaps for the final third of the season?) you will definitely be hearing some of them in there! Prepare yourself.
