And again. It has become really hard to watch anything without making a stupid comments list to myself. So here is part three of the Twilight SAGA OH GOD IT IS SUCH A SAGA.
- "Previously, on Twilight..." They should really start these things with one of those.
- It would be funny if this guy wasn't being attacked but was just really clumsy.
- I am honestly surprised how popular this stuff is/was, it's so much nothing!
- Ooh look who got a new haircut.
- Haha University of Alaska has a great science program
- Oh Mom she won't need a quilt when she doesn't ever sleep again
- I do not really understand this vampire family, they just live to hunt down other vampires that kill people?
- And the wolves live to hunt down the vampires?
- All of these teens are so fickle!
- And all these wolf boys just hate shirts so much!
- So that rule about inviting vampires in does not apply to this lot either.
- How can there be such a Team Jacob / Team Edward thing, they are both the worst!
- Team Noone!
- Campfires are nice.
- Blah blah blah
- Haha that was a good punch
- Is it necessary to really have them all so pale?
- #oldendays
- God I hate fantasy
- (Is vampires = fantasy?)
- Suddenly the vamp house is totally fine with humans all up in it
- Why are the newborns (hahaha) after Bella though? OH GOD SO MANY QUESTIONS
- The fake wolves are SO BAD
- It's weird that they all seem to have expert opinion and not just the ring leader father man
- #montage!
- #fastforward!
- Wow that is a BIG PUPPET WOLF
- Uh oh here comes another flashback
- #imprinting
- He is such a creep
- Dude is so into marriage
- Who even are these jerks
- Can vampires swim? Haha YES THEY CAN
- or at least just walk along the river bed and emerge like swamp monsters
- I bet here comes a hey baby let me warm you
- Yes! Did I write this?
- "Let's face it I am hotter than you"
- Draaaaaama faces for all!
- Smoochy moochy
- Fight scenes are so boring
- How can that massive wolf be losing a fight seriously
- Ha she turned into mannequin! #kimcatrall
- Their chemistry is not amazing hey
- Oh it's over ummm
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